Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Teasers vs no Teasers

Last week, I got my daily e-news from Donor Power blog. The subject was "To tease or not to tease". I won't totally re-iterate the findings (based on Mal Warwick's own research) but the bottom line is - test it. OR if you don't want to test it - ask your self this: Is it appropriate?

From my side of the desk, too often, I see teasers added for the sake of adding a teaser. There have been many packages where I have been asked to add a teaser and I would be willing to bet it hindered the response - made it seem to (excuse the expression) junk-maily...

Of course, I asked to test it - but as we know - often there isn't the budget to do so.

Get out of the habit of adding a teaser for the sake of doing it. Trust your gut - if you have a great line that you know will make people want to tear open the package - use it, but if not - don't.

Do you wonder if your donors ever feel this way?

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