So here are the four options that went to the client for presentation:

Again, these are the final 4 options that I presented to the client (I'll show what didn't make it another time).
I wanted the idea of "comedy" to really come through and felt, just before I needed to present them, I hadn't really accomplished that.
I picked the brain of ubr-creative Kim McMullen for a quick brainstorm to see what we could do to make them just a bit better.
I had already designed the option 2 - "talking mouth" Mary Walsh, but didn't feel like it was working, but with the addition of the right kind of copy, and typeset properly, it started to work for me.
Option 3 was my attempt for big and clean design. Nothing getting in the way of the messaging.
Option 4 had started out as another big and clean design poster - but tried to liven it up with a bit of scratching, sketching around the mic. Kim suggested I go all the way - it was a comedy show after all. Show - I got to totally deface Mary Walsh. I have to admit, I did think to myself "I can't do this to Mary can I?"
But I did. It was appropriate and added that touch of whimsy that was really missing.
Next time: What the client choose and the options that didn't see the light of day. Any predictions? Let me know what you think the client choose.
The first one is very polished and classy - but my personal favourite was #4, I loved the freshness of it, I loved the creativity, and come on - who doesn't get the direct co-relation between the mustache and comedy....? Nice work ... you impress me!
You "can" do that to Mary!
And you did it very well.
It cracks me up.
It makes me think that I'm in for a great evening.
And it also says that we're not taking ourselves too seriously (which is nice for a charity I think. Nice, and "different")
Great job!!!!
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