I was developing a package for a local hospital who wanted to use funds to increase the size of the ward where they treat children who have cancer. I was trying to be clever graphically with type and making it look nice. But - duh - I was overlooking RULE #1 as a designer - let the message BE the message - just make it clear. Here are a few of the BAD ones...

So, lucky these weren't approved. I did what I should have done in the first place - which is read the copy. And as I got half way through, practically in tears, I realized that I overlooked my OWN RULE. I was not being appropriate.
So after developing a more appropriate tagline, I wanted to give it a bit of visual ompf as well. Here is the final.

Its easy to get caught up in making it "look nice" and "using all the colours" and making sure that we "stick to our brand" - but you know what - the only thing we really should be worrying about is making the creative appropriate to the audience and to the subject matter. Donors respond more to the your message than your (or my) fancy design.
Don't believe me? Then test it!
BONUS: I'm getting this for all of my clients this Christmas. Make My Logo Bigger cream!

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