Tuesday, July 3, 2007

FREE Test Idea

First off, Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July for my American friends.

Today's post shall be short and sweet. Here is a quick, FREE idea for a test for those of you who design, write or produce direct mail.

On your coupon, almost all contain a line that reads something like "Please turn over to give monthly..." or something like that. We tested setting it in a handwriting font verses using a font we were using everywhere else.

The handwriting version won. Speaking with a few others who tested it found the same result.

I would love to hear about your tests - especially the unusual ones - if you have any you would like to share, please pass it along.

Finally - please feel free to comment on any post, any time. I want this to be more of a forum for anyone who might be interested in adding their voice to the discussion. So please add your voice and thoughts.


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